The Awakened Leader: Owning Your Power, Your Voice and Your Influence
Date & Time
Monday, December 4, 2023, 9:05 AM - 10:00 AM
Location Name
Saidee Gallery

You weren't born to play small.

What limiting self-beliefs and hard-wired habits hold you back from communicating authentically, powerfully and effectively? So many people leave jobs, relationships, business ventures, and conversations feeling that if they had owned their authenticity, verbalized their value or spoken up boldly when the moment called for it, they would have achieved a more successful and meaningful outcome.

This interactive keynote will empower you to deeply explore what holds you back from taking risks, teach you how to speak confidently and impactfully in any environment, create strategic visibility to amplify the work you do, and awaken the power of owning your story, your voice, and your influence.