INITIAL STEPS . . . Embarking on the Journey

Upon pairing, the program director initiates mentor-mentee introduction. The pair can subsequently arrange their inaugural meeting at a mutually suitable time.

The initial meeting's recommended agenda:

  • Maintain Professional Attire: Dress as you would for a professional in-person meeting. This sets a respectful tone and mirrors the professional environment, even in a virtual space.
  • Prepare Digital Contact Information: Instead of physical business cards, have your digital contact information ready to share via the meeting chat or email. This includes your LinkedIn profile, email address, and any other relevant digital networking tools.
  • Dedicate a Full Hour: Allocate uninterrupted time for your meeting, ensuring both parties can engage without rush, fostering meaningful conversation and exchange.
  • Select a Quiet and Controlled Environment: Choose a location where you're least likely to be disturbed. While virtual meetings offer flexibility, finding a quiet space is crucial to minimize distractions and background noise.
  • Share Professional and Personal Insights: Just as you would in person, exchange details about your professional journey, personal interests that influence your career, and your aspirations within the program. This helps build a rounded understanding of each other.
  • Discuss Mutual Goals and Expectations: Clearly articulate what each of you hopes to gain from the mentorship. While you may not be setting SMART goals in this context, establish clear objectives for what you wish to achieve together.
  • Plan for Future Engagements: Before concluding, agree on the logistics for your next meeting—considering both parties' schedules to find a suitable date and time. While aiming for in-person meetings is valuable, plan according to what's practical and most beneficial for your mentoring relationship.

Agree on your GROW objectives.
GROW objectives offer clarity and direction to progress.

  • Goal: Start with defining clear, overarching goals. What do you wish to achieve through this mentorship? Encourage both mentors and mentees to express their ultimate objectives for personal and professional growth.
  • Reality: Reflect on the current situation. Where are you now in relation to your goals? This step involves a candid assessment of present skills, resources, and obstacles.
  • Options: Explore all possible avenues. What are the different paths you can take to reach your goals? This phase is about brainstorming various strategies, actions, and learning opportunities that could bridge the gap between current reality and desired goals.
  • Will (Way Forward): Decide on the way forward. Which options will you commit to? This final step is about committing to specific actions, setting timelines, and determining how progress will be measured and reviewed.

Suggested Collaborative Ventures:
•    Devise activities to elevate your goals.
•    Plan monthly meetings.
•    Attend industry gatherings in tandem.
•    Participate in the chapter's Mentor Program events.
•    Consider visiting each other's workplaces or joint event participation.
•    Arrange a shadowing opportunity for mentees.
•    Foster connections for both parties through this partnership.

Crucial Note - By joining the SITE Southeast Mentor Program, you consent to SITE Southeast or SITE Global utilizing your name and/or image for promoting or marketing the initiative.

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